Friday, October 22, 2010

Check this out:
"NASA was formed in 1958 and from the very start a number of it's astronauts and test pilots testified to sighting UFOs or craft of undetermined origin."

Wow!! Over 50 years of attempted alien contact! SpaceClub has a grand total of....drumroll please...........2.

Do the math: 700 UFOsightings worldwiede per year. That's 1400 possible UFO sightings in SpaceClub's history. That's 35,1400 since NASA was formed!

And the government still denies evrything!!!!!!!!!

By UFO99+SpaceNerd14

Friday, October 15, 2010

World news

World News -- Aliens coming soon?

A new planet has been discovered! Even more exciting, it is the right proximity to its sun to support life forms! There is a new extraterrestrial hope!!!!!

For a full, free list of alien safety do's and don'ts, check back to this webpage soon!